Hi there,
Welcome to my kitchen. This is my hub, my world and the place where I can work for hours without tiring and create some healthy and enticing food for my family.
Now grab a cookie, take a seat and let me introduce myself. I am Sunayana Gupta founder, author, recipe creator, food stylist and photographer for this website. Most people ask me the meaning of my name, ok!..... ‘Sunayana’ means ‘Beautiful Eyes’, not sure if it really justifies on me, but feels good to have a positive name.
My education? Well, I have a degree in Masters of Business Administration in Marketing and Human Resource. So according to the set rules I should be working in some corporate, but I am blogging about come? Ah! listen to my story (Short of course). I was good in academics, but apart from studies and completing projects, cooking was a favorite stress buster, though occasionally. Being a creative person, this was the field that allowed me to do lots of experiments with those staple ingredients and spices. I wish I had some magic secrets or shortcuts to share, but the truth is, though most times my experiments in kitchen were good and make me jump with joy, but sometimes they were a big disaster and I would question myself..."Did I make that??...Noooo!" But this whole feeling of tasting my own food, finding mistakes and working on plan B was very satisfying and slowly and gradually this hobby turned into passion.
'PASSION DIES HARD'...HARD'... and that's true in my case. After MBA all that eagerness that I had about working with some multinational, fainted away. A time came when I could only imagine myself recreating traditional kebabs, coming up with some new flavors in baking cookies/cakes and stirring jams and icings with fruits and even vegetables.
Never been to any cooking classes, I learnt everything through food channels, books and self trial error. Earlier, did food blogging for 2 years ...remember ...Sunayana's Kitchen?? Honestly, it was more of a casual approach..."Ok, let's start and see what happens!” But, the overwhelming response from people made me take it more seriously and work on some new ideas. So, here I am again after 3 years with this Sunayana .Those who have visited and remember my previous website would surely notice the differences now and then.
'Food styling' and 'Food photography' are as important in food blogging as the recipe itself. After all who’s going to read a recipe unless the snap looks inviting? So, worked on my photography and food presentation skills too. You Tube tutorials and food magazines helped a lot! Though I am not a professional and skilled photographer, but when I look back at those food snaps that I used to take some 4 or 5 years back, I find myself learning and progressing.
Hope my food photographs make you drool and bring out a curiosity for reading the recipe!
Let me help you navigate.
*My All Recipes shows all of my recipes with respective categories and snaps.Most of the recipes have multiple snaps with different angles to help you have a better view of food. The recipes are not only well explained, but our ‘Serving Suggestions’ would ease out the task and help you serve a scrumptious platter.
*Browse over Health & Nutrition to choose a healthy diet and lifestyle for you and your family.
Did you know, a healthy diet and lifestyle starts with nutrition basics. It is important to note that good nutrition doesn’t starts with counting calories. It starts with knowing which foods are healthy and learning how to swap bad foods with good foods. Hence we have sub categorized this section into 3 including...
These categories would give a regular doze of your health requirements and have a better understanding of food and ingredients that we eat on daily basis.
*Want to upgrade your cooking skills and have a depth knowledge of your kitchen tools?....then Test kitchen is just for you. Our simple tips, tricks and techniques would not only give you an insight about your kitchen, but would simplify your life and help you manage your kitchen like a pro.
*Stay updated about lifestyle, health, fitness and several random topics with our Blog!
Besides cooking, food styling, photographing my food and writing about food....painting and interior décor are also important mechanisms of my life. Come, see a different side of me in these acrylic paintings made some 7 years back...
My friends call me mad for antique and traditional objects…..and that's true to the core. I love everything rustic...PURE RUSTIC! Here's a part of my collection...
This 'Paandaan' made of brass actually belonged to my great grandmother and is truly a magnificent and antique piece of Art. In few food photographs you would notice it in the backdrop as prop. I am also very fond of these small containers and usually like using them to click spices, chutneys and mixes...
As far as interior decor is concerned, come on...let's have a sneak peek into my abode. Do you like the entrance...??
My 4 year daughter loves her pink room with all those animals and birds adoring the walls. This cute bed is self designed, do you find it adorable too?
How can I stop without mentioning about my dear hubby. husband has always supported my passion for everything. To be honest, he is the man and guiding force behind all my achievements.
Well, it seems I am a great story teller. Would love to hear from you about this website, recipes, pics and all the insight that you want to give. Also interact with me and share your passion, mail me at To stay updated about my recipes, you can like my Facebook Page.
Hope you enjoy cooking recipes from this website where my sole effort is to make cooking easy for you with simple to follow steps, basic ingredients and serving suggestions. When you try out any of my recipe in your kitchen, I am longing back to hear from you. Do take your time to come back and share your views, as this feedback means a lot.
...and yes, if you adore a similar passion, then do share me your recipes on Post a recipe and if it is selected, you get a chance to see them in this website with your credits. This is a friendly and open invitation to all the fellow food bloggers and passionate home cooks out there!
I truly hope, Sunayana serves you as your online recipe magazine. Really obliged and thankful that you’re here to join this cooking adventure and share the joy of serving healthy, delectable, home cooked fresh food.
Good luck!
Best regards
Sunayana Gupta